Wisniewski (2280) - Roman Jiganchine [B12]
World Youth U-18 (10) 2000
I quote a quite a few of my wins on this blog, so here is a disappointing fragment from one of my games. I failed to follow the most basic principle of bishop endgames - block opponent's pawns on color of your bishop to make it easier to attack them.
35... Bc5?? A typical time trouble move - so tempting to attack two pawns at once! I had about 40 seconds for 5 moves and this is perhaps my biggest blunder at the tournament: it lets half a point slip out 35... a4! would have REALLY threatened the a3 pawn 36. Kd3 (36. Bf4!? is necessary, as indicated by Jean Hebert 36... Bc5 37. Bc1 Kxd6 with Black still keeping a safe extra pawn. Black wins the b5 pawn by transferring the king to b6, then d5-d4 and Kd5 would follow at a good moment, possibly after White runs out of moves on the kingside. ) 36... Bc5
37. Kc3 Bxa3 38. Bf2 Kxd6 39. Bxa7 Bc5 40. Bb8+ Kd7
36. a4 now the pawn easily escapes, and capturing on d6 only allows white to attack a7 pawn.
36... f5 37. Bf4 g6 38. Kd3 Kd7 38... Bxd6
39. Be3! This is the point 39... Bb8 40. Bd4 Black's position is fairly dangerous here if he tries to play for a win 40... Kd7 (40... f4 41. Ke2 Kf5 42. Kf3 g5 43. Bf2 ( But not 43. Bc3? Bc7 44. Bd4 Bb6)
41. Bc5 Kc8?? Trying to support a7 pawn 42. Kd4
39. Be5 Ke6 40. Bf4 Kd7 #
41. Be5 if I don't take the 'd' pawn, it is very hard for me to achieve any progress, so I took a draw offered by my opponent.
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