Following up on my previous post, here is another example from the collection of Efim Geller games “Application of Chess Theory”
Geller – Smyslov, 1970 position after 22.Nf3
The 7th world Champion Vassily Smyslov “agreed” on this pawn structure (by playing f7-f5), despite its several long term flaws:
1) light squares are weak, and in particular - White’s knights can occupy e4 and f5 squares
2) d6 pawn is weak
3) White controls the ‘a’ file
5) the b4 and d5 pawns restrict Black’s knights, and especially - the d8 knight has no good future prospects
However, commenting on static features of a position is much easier than exploiting them to your advantage against a strong opponent. Watch this video to see how Geller converted his positional trumps into a full point:
While Geller’s game serves as an argument against playing an early f7-f5 in Closed Spanish, delaying it may lead to White himself playing f2-f4-f5. The final position of Karpov – Unzicker, 1974, illustrates that idea: White just played Ng3-h5 and Black resigned!
A game Nunn-Short, 1986 illustrates how Black can try to implement f7-f5, without giving up the e4 squares:
Black just played f7-f5, but White’s pieces are well prepared for complications;
watch the video to see who comes out on top:
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