My ebook The Break - Learn From Schlechter, Botvinnik and Kramnik is now available in paperback format, so you can order a physical copy and have it delivered to you like most chess books you probably already own. Here is a sample set of exercises from the chapter about Vladimir Kramnik. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see solutions.
Korobov, Anton - Kramnik, Vladimir
Black's turn
Alexander Ipatov - Vladimir Kramnik
Black's turn
Svidler, Peter - Kramnik, Vladimir
Black's turn
Kramnik, Vladimir - Ulibin, Mikhail
White's turn
Korobov, Anton - Kramnik, Vladimir
FIDE World Cup 2013 2013.08.24
45. ... d4!?
- Although this move is speculative, Kramnik sacrifices a pawn to activate his rook and bishop. Objectively it may be not the best, but for a human player passive defense is intolerable, so that justifies his decision.
Alexander Ipatov - Vladimir Kramnik
FIDE World Team Championship 2013.12.02
29. ... e5 30. dxe5 Nxe5 31. fxe5 Qxe5
- Black has only a pawn for a piece, but White's pieces are badly placed, and all of his pawns are vulnerable.
- ( Defending the pawns was not really possible in the long run: 33. Kd2 Re6 34. Nb7 Bh6 35. Nc5 Bxe3+ 36. Nxe3 Qxe3+ 37. Kd1 Re5 -/+ [%eval -32767,0] Black has still more ways to improve his position with Rhe7, Qxg3 and d5-d4. )
Both White's rooks and knights are effectively out of the game for many moves to come, so the current material balance is virtually irrelevant here.
- In view of inevitable material losses, White resigned. A true positional masterpiece by Kramnik!
Svidler, Peter - Kramnik, Vladimir
World Chess Championship Candidates 2014.03.15
41. ... e4 42. fxe4 Qe2 43. Rf3 Rxd6 44. Qe8 f6 45. e5
45. ... f5 46. gxf5 46. ... Rf6!!- Paradoxically, this is the only move that keeps Black alive!
- ( After 46. ... Ra6 47. e6! the black rook would be cut off from the kingside and Black would lose: 47. ... Ra7 48. f6 +- )
- ( 47. e6 Qe4 = )
- Now the game ends with a repetition.
Kramnik, Vladimir - Ulibin, Mikhail
Chalkidiki 1992
36. g5!?
- White opens up the game to exploit the power of his two bishops.
- As compensation for the pawn, White's rooks are also obtaining a lot of potential - on both sides of the board.
- White is threatening to double on the 'h' file, so Black has to create an escape square for his king.
- ( 49. Bxf8 Rxf8 50. Rxf8+ Kxf8 51. Rg8+ Ke7 52. Rxc8 +- )