Setting up goals in chess or in anything can be eye opening if you've never done this before; it can also be therapeutic as it makes us more realistically consider what we can and cannot do in the near future. As time passes, goals are the measuring sticks that allow to see how much of what we set out to do – we are actually achieving. Not everyone does best with this paradigm, but for obsessive compulsive types – there is no use resisting this idea of being to set objectives and achieve them, or at least re-calibrate from time to time and reset those goals.
I have attempted to have several chess-related goals for the next year that I think are both reasonable and appropriate for where I am in my life now (there is a place for chess in it, but I want to free up space for other things too). So here are my goals for 2015 (and maybe slightly beyond it):
Chess Improvement
- Achieve a rating of 2400 in one of the ICC categories (blitz/active/etc)
- Related to the above – I want/need to play at least 100 standard rated games on ICC in the same year
- Improve my confidence in the opening with the Black pieces (avoid quick losses or unpleasant positions due to being unfamiliar with the opening)
- This one is a challenge because it is hard to quantify what I am trying to achieve here
- Solve about 1000 tactical puzzles, roughly 3 puzzles a day
- Qualify for the provincial championship
- The qualification requirement has gone up to 10 rated games a year, so this one has just become that much harder
These goals won't be easy to reach, they will require continuous focus and addition of some regular habits:
- solving puzzles whenever I have a couple of spare minutes
- improve ability to focus during blitz games, as without focus - the rating objectives are clearly not achievable, not in the next year, not ever
- better planning of other activities so that I find the time to play a couple of half hour games every week
In addition to the usual desire of expressing thoughts in writing, another reason for sharing this set of goals is that as a reader of this blog – you might help me with quite a few of these goals, while also looking at chess study materials that you might have missed before.
I find chess improvement difficult without frequent reflection, and it currently it takes the form of writing on this blog, and making ebooks. [In my head] this has taken a life of its own, and lead me to a set of goals in
Chess Publishing:
- Make my chess materials available on 4 platforms or more. Currently I cover 3, so I need maintain and improve on this
- Have at least 10 additional Amazon reviews on my books in the next year
- I have several reviews so far, so if you’ve read my books or their previews – please feel free to add your comments, on amazon or here, as feedback is what helps everyone do better
- Reach 1000 Youtube subscribers
- After 7 years of posting, and with my channel at around 180 videos - I am now sitting at 900+ subscribers. Subscribe to get notifications of new videos!

- Publish all previously written/drafted books
- I have about 3 books that are nearly ready to be published, but still have that remaining 10-15% percent of polish that is still clearly required
If you've read this far, maybe you'd want to leave your comments:
- What are your chess goals?
- Do you find it useful to set goals in something that is really a hobby for 99% of those of us that call ourselves chessplayers?
- When your results improve - is that a result of setting goals, or a natural part of studying the game?