Nigel Fullbrook - Dragoljub Milicevic
BC Closed/Vancouver (9.4) 2001
40. Kd2 Black's advantage (space + 2 bishops) is obvious and yet it is not quite clear how to exploit it. 40... Ng4! A beautiful strategic piece sacrifice! 41. fxg4 forced 41... hxg4 42. Rh1 g3
43. Nd3 Bg4 It is interesting that even Fritz immediately evaluates this position in Black's favour
44. Ne1 f4-f3 was a threat
44... Rh5 g5 is threatened and it is not clear how White can untie his pieces
45. Nb2? Be3# By winning this game Dragoljub Milicevic also won the title, his 3rd in the last 5 years. However, in 1997 and in 2000 he had to share it with M. Fuentebella and J. Berry. This is his first clear victory. Congratulations!
[Roman Jiganchine]